"Hold onto your butts"- Samuel L. Jackson, Jurassic Park.
Congratulations, You have just made a classic internet mistake and clicked on the wrong link. Don't worry, I won't judge you, it happens to the best of us. I'll just wait here patiently for you close this page and do something else.
Still waiting...
And a little more for good measure...
And you're gone!
Ooooooooooor not. Alright, you appear to be here to actually read my blog. I suppose this was bound to happen at some point, So I might as well share my plans for the immediate future of this blog:
1. Random musings.
2. Attempts at actual advice.
3. Talking about things I like.
4. Talking about things I don't like.
5. Pacific Rim. (see 3)
6. Ian Goldsmith and Chris Bowden. (see 4)
7. Video games.
8. "Is this art?"-Featuring April Czarnetzki(if I can afford her services)
9. More random musings.
10. The mantis shrimp.
You should know that I try not to take life too seriously, and this blog will be no different.
Some typical background information is in order:
WHO: Kurt Giese (that's me!)
WHAT: I already went over that
WHERE: Cedar Falls, IA. Or the internet.
WHEN: Now. Or when you're reading it, so later.
WHY: Because I like you, and I promised I would. I'm a man of my word
Anyway I suppose I should explain the title, but I'm not going to, so tough. Check back later for something that will inevitably be wildly incoherent and make little sense.
Ready this every day!